A Fractured Tibia Creates a Good Story

Like the women pictured, I have done yoga, but not recently.  On the night of July 23 I tripped on a cord while Dan and I were checking the home of one of our daughters, who was out of town. Unfortunately, I fell hard onto cement.  Not good!

The next day we saw the Urgent Care P.A. and 2 days later were able to get into our orthopedic practice.  It was, indeed, a fractured tibia up near the knee.  The MD said it would most likely be healed between Sept. 3 and Sept. 17.  September seemed very far away - and what went through my head was how fast I healed after back surgery in 2004.  (That was L4-L5 laminectomy and fusion.)  After 4 months, that surgeon had said my body appeared to have healed for 6 months.  He was elated. Would the faster recovery happen again?

This time I was to use a walker or crutches, so bought a walker.  I also had a long fabric support or brace that had 4 velcro closures and 2 fasteners.  Most of the time Dan helped me by wrapping the knee with gauze first, which seemed to cushion it and also keep the brace in place.  Each time I saw the doctor, he said to be sure I took both Vita D3 and Calcium every day.  In fact, he mentioned it 3 times the first day.  I have, of course, been taking Shaklee's Calcium (now OsteoMatrix) for 32 years and Vita D3 since it came on the market, along with protein and many other strong nutritional products.

I stopped using the walker 2 weeks ago.  The brace comes off this Friday.  So that means it's almost 5 weeks, not 6 or 8, in recovery time.  What do you think?  Is Shaklee making the difference?  I'd say "yes"!


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